21-day Environmental Justice Challenge

The goal of our collaboration proposal is

To learn, pray, and act for environmental justice


Description of our collaboration proposal

The Ignatian Solidarity Network (ISN) has designed a 21-day challenge to enter into the complex work of understanding the connections between environmental injustices that disproportionately impact Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC), as well as low income communities.


ISN challenges you to:

- listen to and learn from the voices of environmental justice leaders from frontline communities

- better understand the connections between current and historical environmental injustices

- respond to the call to work towards a lived vision of a world in which all of God’s creation can flourish


During 3 weeks, which begins on April 23, daily emails will be received to delve deeper into this topic and understand the realities of environmental injustice. Three actions are proposed every day: learn, pray and act. Please, find all the information here.

Needs, support or request

Sign up through the ISN website to receive the daily email, or access the online content directly. It starts on April 23. Sign up now!

This challenge is a collective effort to improve the world through justice. Please, don't forget to share it with anyone who might be interested.

Thank you for walking this journey with an open mind and heart.

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