What is the goal of the Jesuit.Network website?

The Jesuit.Network website is a space for the promotion and dissemination of the networking efforts of the Society of Jesus at the regional and global levels. It aims to give visibility to all international networks linked to the Society’s mission and to encourage the dissemination of information and joint work opportunities among all those interested in the world of networks and collaboration in the Mission.

As a network leader, what will I be able to do on this website?

On this website, network leaders will be able to: (1) display their network’s contact information, logo, mission, and website so that it is visible and searchable by anyone looking for information on your network’s sector, region or type of work (2) promote and share news about your network and collaboration efforts that will reach more than 8,000 subscribers (people interested in collaboration & networking) through our monthly newsletter, (3) share collaboration proposals and engage with other networking experts, thus increasing new joint initiatives or the number of collaborators with your network.

As a collaborator, what will I be able to do through this website?

As a collaborator in the mission, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the current networking and collaboration efforts of the Society of Jesus at the regional and global levels, and participate in collaboration proposals by signing up to receive updates and further information from network leaders.

As a network leader, what type of news stories should I publish?

Our audience are those who are passionate about networking and creating cultures of collaboration at the service of the Jesuit mission. Keep this in mind when you send us a story! We encourage you to publish stories that reflect on the potential of networks for the Mission of the Society of Jesus, lessons learned from collaborating, challenges you’ve faced when networking, activities or events of special importance, and anything that can help contribute to creating a community of thought leaders on the power of networks and the Jesuit Mission, etc.

As a network leader, what type of collaboration proposals should I promote?

The collaboration proposals section showcases calls to action, opportunities for people to engage directly with the networks of the Society of Jesus. For example: volunteer proposals, suggestions of participation in campaigns, possible common actions with other networks, webinars and events, suggestions of joint work opportunities, specific needs that networks might have.

How is Jesuit.Network different from other international Jesuit websites?

Our focus is on collaboration and networks. We invite all those interested in sharing and building on lessons learned from collaborative efforts in order to support stronger network structures that will lead to greater impact and efficiency. This site seeks to generate a community of experts and thought leaders who seek to reflect on how to collaborate better, because we believe that together we can strengthen the “wirearchy” of the Society of Jesus.

New Users

How can I register as a new user?

Log in to https://jesuit.network/ by clicking the pencil button on the bottom right-hand corner and selecting “Login.” Register your email and password and click submit. A new user will be automatically created.

Managing your Network

How do I create a new network profile?

Network leaders can register to https://jesuit.network/ by clicking on the pencil button in the bottom right-hand corner and selecting “Login.” Once you are registered, you can request the creation of a new network profile by clicking on the pencil button and selecting “Add Network”. Fill in the form and click “save”.  Do not forget to fill in the contact information for your network so we can reach out in case we need more information. Your request will be sent to the administrators of Jesuit.Network for review and approval.

What type of networks are we looking for?

We are looking to highlight those networks of the Society of Jesus that are currently functioning and seek to promote regional or international collaboration.  All those networks that are supra-provincial and Jesuit (or linked with the Jesuit mission) have been included. If we have left out a network, please contact us at [email protected] or follow the steps above to create a new network profile, and our team will review for approval.  

How do I manage and update an already existing network profile?

If you are a network administrator, log in to https://jesuit.network/ by clicking on the pencil button in the bottom right-hand corner and selecting “Login.” Use the credentials sent to you by the Jesuit.Network team (*If you need to request new credentials, send us a message at [email protected]). Go to the Network Map section and search for your network on the search bar. Here you can edit your network’s information or create a collaboration proposal linked with your specific network. (A button that says “Edit network” should appear on your network’s page once you are logged in.) *If this isn’t the case, please send us an email at [email protected], and we will make sure your username is correctly configured.

What information should be updated about my network?

It is very important that your network has up-to-date information, especially the contact information (name and email of the network leader/coordinator), and the website. It is also important to make sure that the logo is correct and that the sector and geographic scope classification are appropriate.

Collaboration Proposals

What is a collaboration proposal?

These are calls to action, opportunities for people to engage directly with the networks of the Society of Jesus. For example: volunteer proposals, suggestions of participation in campaigns, possible common actions with other networks, webinars and events, suggestions of joint work opportunities, specific needs that networks might have.

How do I add a new collaboration proposal?

Network leaders can add new opportunities for collaboration with their network.  Log in to https://jesuit.network/ by clicking on the pencil button in the bottom right-hand corner and selecting “Login.” Once you are logged in, click on the pencil button and select “Add collaboration.” Fill in the details of your collaboration and don’t forget to select the related network and include an image! Once you are done, click “save” and the collaboration will be reviewed and approved/published by the Jesuit.Network administrators.

How do I follow up with people who signed up to participate in my network’s collaboration proposal?

Network leaders will receive a notification via email if someone has signed up to participate in their collaboration proposal. You can also download a list of collaborators by logging in to https://jesuit.network/. Once you are logged in, visit your collaboration proposal page, and you will find a button that says “Download collaborators list” and you will have access to the contact information of those interested in participating in your proposal. You can also update your collaborators directly on the page through the comments section.

News Stories

How do I upload a news story?

Log in to https://jesuit.network/ by clicking on the pencil button in the bottom right-hand corner and selecting “Login.” Once you are logged in, click on the pencil button and select “Add post.” Fill in the details, upload your story and don’t forget to add an image (aspect ratio 16:9). Once you are done, click “save,” and the story will be reviewed and approved/published by the Jesuit.Network administrators.

What type of news stories should I publish?

Our audience are those who are passionate about networking and creating cultures of collaboration at the service of the Jesuit mission. Keep this in mind when you send us a story! We encourage you to publish stories that reflect on the potential of networks for the Mission of the Society of Jesus, your lessons learned from collaborating, challenges you’ve faced when networking, activities or events of special importance, and anything that can help contribute to creating a community of thought leaders on the power of networks and the Jesuit Mission, etc.