During this week of April, the online communication tool of the Global Ignatian Advocacy Network (GIAN) of the Right to Education celebrates its first anniversary. Since its first steps, GIAN detected the need to raise awareness and make the reality of those who are currently neglected of their right to education known. This goal promoted the birth of edujesuit.
Edujesuit aims to promote reflection and dialogue on the right to education for everyone without discrimination; it is a workspace where Jesuits and collaborators engaged in the defense and promotion of the right to education can share their experience and work together in order to achieve the universalization of this right encouraging awareness-raising actions, advocacy relations and dialogue with decision makers in the education field regarding the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The website includes several possibilities to promote these goals, including a position paper on the Right to Education that is open to feedback and discussion.
Throughout this year, edujesuit has published more than thirty pieces of news and right to education first-person testimonies, sixteen initiatives for the map have been gathered and it has followed up and informed on the new international education agenda approved within the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Incheon Framework of Action.
The edujesuit social networks are as well very active as they have reached more than 700 Twitter followers and a Facebook community of more than 800 people. Its leader, Lucía Rodríguez highlights “guaranteeing the right to quality education for everyone is a State duty but the society has a shared responsibility and must also be involved in the fulfillment of this right.”
The Network is promoted by a core group and its members represent the different Conferences which they are part of: from Europe, Jorge Cardoso and Ricardo Angulo, Luis Ugalde, SJ. and Lucía Rodríguez represent Latin America and the Caribbean, Agustín Kalubi, SJ represents Africa and John Chathanatt, SJ for India and Nepal. If you are interested in getting in contact with them, send an email to [email protected]
News and updates on the first anniversary can be followed through Twitter and Facebook.
1 Comment
[…] El pasado abril, la herramienta de comunicación online de la Red Global de Incidencia Ignaciana (GIAN) para el Derecho a la Educación celebró su primer aniversario. Desde sus primeros pasos, GIAN detectó la necesidad de sensibilizar y dar a conocer la realidad de aquellos a los que actualmente se les excluye del derecho a la educación. Este objetivo promovió el nacimiento de Edujesuit. Para saber más… […]