On June 28, I wrote you from Cleveland: “Today we wake up with a new dream, with a new illusion”.
That day in Cleveland, the Council of the World Union of Jesuit Alumni -WUJA- honored our Association by accepting our petition to host the World Congress 2021. At that time and with all our enthusiasm we accepted the challenge, the responsibility and the great opportunity to be able to show everyone our schools and our city, in the year that marks the beginning of the 500 year celebration of the conversion of Saint Ignatius at the Cave of Manresa. Today, after a few months, we want to reassert that eagerness, that enthusiasm and above all our responsibility for the future.
We are working on:
- The theme of the congress and our mission
- Promoting participation and communication
- Organization and logistics
- Sponsorship, financing and control systems
At the time, many people and entities gave us their full support: the Society of Jesus through the Provincial Father of Spain and the Father Delegate of the Platform in Catalonia, the City of Barcelona itself through its Mayor, the Cardinal Archbishop of Barcelona, the Cave of Manresa and the Ignatius Way, the Spanish Federation and the Jesuit Schools of Barcelona, the President of the Jesuit Education Foundation and of our School.
Today we want to encourage you to collaborate and suggest ideas as well as invite you to attend and participate in the Congress during those days. The Ignatian Barcelona dream is still alive. We are part of something big and want to share it with all of you. Working together will make Barcelona 2021 a point of reference.
Save the Date: Sarrià Sant Ignasi, Barcelona 2021, Month to be determined.
Written by: Francisco Guarner, Vice president, Alumni Association of Jesuïtes-Sarriá Sant Ignasi