In May of 2016, the Society of Jesus’ Secretariat for Secondary education announced the Celebration of the First International Congress for Jesuit Education Delegates (JESEDU Rio2017) by its Secretary, Father José Alberto Mesa, SJ. This Congress, organized by the Latin American Federation of Jesuit Schools (FLACSI), will take place in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from October 16-20, 2017. In order to enrich the Education Delegates’ conversation and to make this a truly global discussion, in addition to the Congress in Rio de Janeiro, a Virtual Congress is being held beforehand, from March 1st – April 30th 2017.
What is the Virtual Congress?
It is an invitation to the members of our Global Network of Jesuit Schools to participate in discussions on the themes which will be presented at the October 2017 Congress. The Virtual Congress is a chance for us all to share our opinions and ideas about these themes with our mission companions around the world in order to help shape the discussions that will take place at the Delegates’ Congress in October.
What are the Objectives of the Virtual Congress?
- To hear as many opinions as possible from members of the Global Netwrok of Jesuit Secondary Education.
- To incorporate these opinions into the discussions amongst Delegates at the Congress in order to help us with the principal goal of the Congress “the creation of a common global agenda to guide the work of Jesuit schools around the world as a network and as an answer to the call to ‘act as a universal body with a universal mission’ (CG35, D. 2, No.20)”.
How does the Virtual Congress work?
All those who have registered as a member of Educate Magis will be able to access the Virtual Congress page. Here you will find videos on the different themes of the Congress. Underneath each video, you will have a space for your comments. The form of this comment is completely open. As long as it refers to the theme of the presentation, it can be an opinion, express new ideas, questions, etc. you also have the option of downloading the written presentation. Comments may be made at any time between March 1st and April 30th. You are invited to comment in any language, preferably one of the three official languages of the Congress (Spanish, English, French) as there is a translate button for people to read comments in other languages.
Who is invited to participate in the Virtual Congress?
All educators, professors and members of leadership and management teams from any of the schools and networks of the Society of Jesus’ Global Network of Education are welcome to participate.
Where is the Virtual Congress being held?
The Virtual Congress is being held on Educate Magis. To access the Virtual Congress simply click here and login. If you have not yet registered as a member of Educate Magis you can click the same link and follow the steps to register first. What are you waiting for? Join now and be part of these exciting global discussions!