In November 2015, the Networking for Justice gathering brought together the main global justice networks of the Social Apostolate of the Society of Jesus in Loyola, Spain to evaluate and promote networking as an important tool in the struggle for justice.
As Patxi Álvarez de los Mozos, the Secretary for Social Justice and Ecology of the Society of Jesus says “There are many global apostolic challenges for all of us, for the Jesuit family. I really dream that we can become a much larger and better structured body, serving the causes of the poor in the world. Networking is a must today, it respects local autonomy and at the same time it allows all of us together to make new things.”
This brief video offers a look at the daily work of some of the meeting’s participants and shows the collaborative efforts that are already taking place across different conferences and in different parts of the world to defend the rights of the most vulnerable through networking. We also invite you to take a look at the Networking for Justice final document and to share with us any insights, follow up or feedback you might have.
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