Every year, the Secretariat for Secondary and Pre-Secondary Education publishes a report with the numbers of the Global Network of Jesuit Schools which is prepared using the statistics shared by the members of the International Commission on the Apostolate of Jesuit Education (ICAJE). The report compiles general statistics of the network, such as the number of schools and students and the number of Jesuits and lay people working in education.
This information helps us to gain a better understanding of our network and of the data which may have caused some variations in previous reports. Each year we have more precise numbers which in itself is a very useful tool for the Regional and Provincial Delegates” says Rafael Galaz, assistant to the Secretariat and coordinator of collecting data for this report.
As well as collecting information for the 6 Regional Networks within the Global Network of Pre-Secondary and Secondary Education, the report collects information for the Educational Sector of the Jesuit Refugee Services (JRS) and for the International Federation of Fe y Alegría.
Collaboration with Educate Magis
The Secretariat for Education and Educate Magis worked together this year to update the information on the Network, to create a global directory of Education Delegates and to update the Educate Magis Global Map of Jesuit Schools.
Collaboration between the Secretariat and Educate Magis has been key in having the information updated in a timely manner in order to offer Educate Magis members the most up-to-date information for our Network”, says Gellért Merza, coordinator of Mission and Identity for Educate Magis and coordinator of the preparation of this report for Educate Magis.
This report is open to the public and is available in the Jesuit Curia of Rome’s website and at this link: Summary of Statistics 2018
[This article was originally published by Educate Magis]