Webinar Best Practices in Jesuit Higher Education

The goal of our collaboration proposal is

to discuss with professors their learning about pedagogical innovations and the IPP

Description of our collaboration proposal

Inspired by the spirit of collaboration and networking, the six regional higher education networks (AJCU-NA, AUSJAL, AJCU-AM; AJCU-AP, JHEASA and the Kircher Network) have joined efforts in the “Best Practices in Jesuit HighEd Project”.


You are invited to participate in the global initiative, with the aim of:

- sharing best practices and know-how;
- promoting academic collaboration;
- encouraging reflection;
- facilitating the exchange of quality knowledge;
- and identifying strategic colleagues in common areas and themes.


This common project combines the publication of an Online Quarterly Letter and the organization of webinars featuring the authors of the articles, both of which will be displayed in mirrored blogs on the websites of the regional networks.


Needs, support or request

Attend the webinars with authors on 12, 15, 16 and 17 November. In this link you have all the information.

The third issue of Best Practices will be on the topic of Mission Integration. The call for manuscripts presenting best practices on the mission and Ignatian Identity in Jesuit higher education institutions will be launch in November 2021. For more information, contact [email protected]


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