Moving to the extraordinary

The goal of our collaboration proposal is

To invite young people to deepen their experiences in favor of justice and reconciliation

Description of our collaboration proposal

The Ignatian Youth and Vocation Network and the Jesuit Network with Migrants-LAC of the Conference of Jesuit Provincials of Latin America and the Caribbean (CPAL) carried out the meeting Migrar hacia lo Extraordinario (migrating to the extraordinary,) which allowed young people to deepen and share experiences in favor of justice and reconciliation. Everything that has been done seeks to build two collective conversations:

The first conversation seeks to build an image of a radically different world (the extraordinary); the other, from the continuous learning offered by the experience of walking with forced migration, provides what are the concrete commitments we are willing to give to move towards it (migration).
The commitment to building a radically new world is still necessary. How can we collaborate?
On the website of Migrar hacia lo Extraordinario you can continue to make your contribution. Re-live or visualise the festival, get to know the contributions of others and share the words that describe an extraordinary world. All the information is detailed on their website. 

Needs, support or request

Enter their website to relive or visualize the Migrar Hacia lo Extraordinario festival, learn about the contributions of others and share the words that describe an extraordinary world.
Do you want to help us re-imagine a better world?

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