International Congress of Spiritual Exercises

The goal of our collaboration proposal is

To reflect and imagine together paths of transformation, challenged by the transformed wound

Description of our collaboration proposal

The International Congress of the Spiritual Exercises is a space for reflection that energises the life of Jesuits, lay men and women, men and women religious from Latin America and the Caribbean who, with the contribution of specialists from various corners of the world, feel challenged by the 'transformed wound' that is at the base of the first universal apostolic preference: to show the way to God. As we approach the wounds and the wounded of our world, we cannot but listen to the invitation Ignatius received to transform their limits into openness, and to let God continue to manifest himself in their fragility.

The motivation of this international Congress is that both lay people and Jesuits reflect on and feel challenged by this woundedness that transforms, that invites us to a journey of healing that leads us to God. The event will feature prominent speakers, including: Fr Arturo Sosa SJ (Superior General of the Society of Jesus), Fr Francisco de Roux SJ (President of the Truth Commission in Colombia), Dr Maria Clara Lucchetti (prominent Brazilian theologian), among others. It will be held from 25 to 28 October 2021 in a virtual format, as part of the activities of the Ignatian Year.

For more information, visit

Needs, support or request

The registration process for the International Congress of Spiritual Exercises has started, and can be done through the website We look forward to seeing you there!

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