Experiences of Social Responsibility at Universities

The goal of our collaboration proposal is

The USR (University Social Responsibility) is a cross-cutting approach to management, it constitutes a way of being a university, which requires the sensitization and training of professors and managers, the strategic processes at the educational, epistemological and organizational levels.

 Hence the importance of moving towards the implementation of processes of sensitization, management and professor training around the RSU, as a management mode intrinsically related to the mission and identity not only of all universities, but particularly of the Jesuit universities.


Description of our collaboration proposal

This second edition of the Compendium of Significant Experiences of USR by AUSJAL emerges after three years of work as a Network, and in order to favor not only the updating of the experiences already summarized but also the survey and exchange of new experiences and significant institutionalization learnings.

Needs, support or request

You can access the Compendium of Significant Experiences of University Social Responsibility AUSJAL at the link http://compendiorsu.ausjal.net 


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