Ecojesuit Statement towards COP28

The goal of our collaboration proposal is

Ecojesuit, the Global Ignatian Advocacy Network on Ecology, the Social Justice Ecology Secretariat, the 6 Conferences of the Society of Jesus and more than 100 members of the Ignatian Family, unite in a collective statement "ECOJESUIT towards COP28: Commitment to Climate Justice Advocacy: South-North" for the human family and care for the Common Home.


Description of our collaboration proposal

This is an affirmation of commitment to Laudato Si', Laudate Deum and the Fourth Apostolic Preference on Care for the Common Home by engaging locally, nationally and globally with the COP process, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). We all join the call of the Laudate Deum to make COP28 "a historic event that honors and ennobles us as human beings" through 5 concrete action points.


Needs, support or request

You can download the statement here, available at englishfrench and spanish 

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