Congress on the 50 Anniversary of the SJES

The goal of our collaboration proposal is

The Rome Congress will be celebrated between 4th and 8th of November and will bring together around 210 participants from all over the world selected by the different conference

Description of our collaboration proposal

The general objective is to discern a new orientation of the social apostolate of the Society of Jesus according to the new Universal Apostolic Preferences.

To celebrate God’s faithfulness in our Journey

  • Gratitude and increased sense of universal body
  • Deepened spiritual roots of social apostolate
  • Promote reflection and understanding on how we shall interpret the mission of Justice and Reconciliation today

To discern roadmaps to implement UAPs in the social apostolate

  • Define Global and Conference priorities within the social apostolate
  • Discern collectively inputs for the strategy of the social apostolate at different levels, taking into account the Universal Apostolic preferences.

To create opportunities for collaboration and networking

  • Promote and explore forms of networking and collaboration at the global and conference level.
  • Renew the Global Ignatian Advocacy Networks in the light of the Universal Apostolic Preferences


Needs, support or request

For more information visit the website of the congress at:

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