27th IAJBS World Forum

The goal of our collaboration proposal is

to look at tomorrow's work and its challenges from a Jesuit perspective

Description of our collaboration proposal

The International Association of Jesuit Business Schools (IAJBS) is holding its next annual World Forum at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. (USA) in July. Experts will address issues related to the future of work and the common good.

Changes in technology will have an impact on the jobs of the future, organisational structures and processes in areas such as health care, education, economics and politics. In this way, Jesuit business schools and universities seek to equip students with the tools they need to have a positive impact on society and the world.

From 17-19 July, attendees will be able to attend panels, sessions and paper presentations, as well as tours of the US capital on 20 July to learn about the importance and work of business schools in building tomorrow in line with Jesuit values. In addition, Colleagues in Jesuit Business Schools (CJBE) will hold its annual meeting.

Needs, support or request

The 27th IAJBS World Forum takes place between 17-19 July 2022 at Georgetown University in Washington D. C. (USA). You can register via the IAJBS website. Sign up to learn how to make a better future in the jobs of tomorrow!

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