The Jesuits Justice Ecology Network Africa (JENA) is a diverse community of faith-inspired Jesuit NGOs, also known as Social Centres, related Jesuit Institutions, individual Jesuit peace and development activists and scholars driven by a vision of a just, poverty-free, peaceful and ecologically regenerative Africa. JENA operates under the aegis of the Justice and Ecology Office of the Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar (JCAM).
Working collaboratively with communities whose voices and life-ways have been marginalised and who may experience an intersection of multiple forms of injustice, our member organisations are dedicated to fighting poverty and related injustices around Africa empowering marginalised voices, communities and groups, and facilitating policy innovation. Member organisations of the Network work together internationally to achieve a greater impact through collective efforts. In all JENA actions, the ultimate goal is to enable people to unlock their potential, exercise their rights and manage their own lives.
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