After two years of pandemic, many of the international networks are taking the opportunity to resume the rhythm of meetings for the coordination and collective construction of strategies and collaborations at the international level. This is why these coming months are full of global meetings in the field of Jesuit networks. We wanted to summarize here some of them. If you have any other suggestions for meetings that we have missed, do not hesitate to write to [email protected] so that we can incorporate them into this article.
July 13-17
The 10th Congress of the World Union of Jesuit Alumni (WUJA) will be held in Barcelona (Spain) in July 2022 at the Jesuïtes Sarrià – Sant Ignasi school in the Catalan capital. This meeting seeks to bring together people from all continents to face the great global challenges and discuss how to do so and what tools to use to achieve these goals. Father General, Arturo Sosa SJ, will participate in the event and will give a presentation on the Ignatian framework for the topics to be discussed. The congress programme is structured around three pillars: inspiration to find solutions to the problems that affect us, a two-year process of work to select the topics of interest, and a structure that takes into account the Ignatian framework, the challenges we face and the roots of our community.
During the 10th Congress there will be sessions on various themes, such as migration, ecology, the role of women, technology, religion, education, the professional environment and social innovation. There will also be presentations on networking and community.
The 10th Congress of the World Union of Jesuit Alumni will be held at the Jesuïtes Sant Ignasi – Sarrià in Barcelona (Spain) from 13 to 17 July 2022. Registration is open to any Jesuit alumni who wish to contribute to society. And if you are young, sign up too to live an experience with other people of your age to contribute to the future we are building. You can register here.
July 13-15
The International Association of Jesuit Engineering Schools (IAJES) is holding its third summit at Boston College (United States) from 13-15 July 2022 in collaboration with the International Association of Jesuit Universities (IAJU).
This event, in addition to electing the IAJES leadership team for the next two years, aims to explore the role that the association can play in the current context of global emergence. Through three axes: inspiration, reflection and action, the aim is to work towards achievements in terms of integral ecology and to have a positive impact on the society of the future. Throughout the three days of the event, the aim is to answer questions about how to build a better world and explore global experiences and opportunities. This will be done through reflection from a Jesuit perspective in collaborative sessions among participants.
The 3rd IAJES Summit will be held in Boston from 13-15 July 2022 at Boston College (United States). You can register here. Participation is open to any Jesuit institution that wants to collaborate in building the future society.
July 17-19
The International Association of Jesuit Business Schools (IAJBS) is holding its next annual World Forum at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. (USA) in July. Experts will address issues related to the future of work and the common good.
Changes in technology will have an impact on the jobs of the future, organisational structures and processes in areas such as health care, education, economics and politics. In this way, Jesuit business schools and universities seek to equip students with the tools they need to have a positive impact on society and the world.
From 17-19 July, attendees will be able to attend panels, sessions and paper presentations, as well as tours of the US capital on 20 July to learn about the importance and work of business schools in building tomorrow in line with Jesuit values. In addition, Colleagues in Jesuit Business Schools (CJBE) will hold its annual meeting. You can register via the IAJBS website. Sign up to learn how to make a better future in the jobs of tomorrow!
August 3-6
The International Association of Jesuit Universities (IAJU) is holding its Worldwide Assembly from 3-6 August. This gathering of Jesuit higher education institutions will be held at Boston College, seeking to bring universities together to advance the challenges of the future. The event will be opened by the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Fr Arturo Sosa SJ, as well as Joseph Christie SJ, president of IAJU, and the president of Boston College, Fr William P. Leahy SJ. Among the invited guests are also representatives of the Society of Jesus and the International Federation of Catholic Universities.
The programme of the event includes sessions on a variety of topics affecting universities: democracy, global citizenship, migration movements, reconciliation and peace, environmental sustainability, economic justice, and theology at Jesuit universities are some of them.
The IAJU World Assembly will be held at Boston College (Boston, United States) from 3-6 August 2022. You can register here. Sign up to contribute to the future of Jesuit universities.