Our motto at entreParéntesis is “Dialogue at the frontiers” and our aim is to create a space to meet and dialogue with the different cultures and religions of our time. Through this, we want to contribute to Pope Francis’ call to the Church to reach out to the borders, to leave our comfort zone and to dialogue with others, especially those who might seem most different from us. Dialogue, then, is a key piece of our work and, of course, you need others to talk. Thus, we are called to networking. entreParéntesis was founded in September 2013 and from the very beginning we have tried to knit a network of partners here and there with whom to enrich our reflections and to reach out toward our society, offering well-informed opinions about the main issues of our day. entreParéntesis has four main lines of action: justice and solidarity; religion in public space; digital culture and faith and politics.
We are rooted in Madrid’s Apostolic Network and develop our activities in close relation with several Jesuit institutions, such as Universidad PontificiaComillas, the magazine Razón y Fe, and our partner in Barcelona Cristianismo y Justicia. We also work with all the Jesuit Centers for Faith, Culture and Justice in Spain and many other Jesuit programs. Beyond Ignatian partners, we always look forward to cooperating with anyone who seeks to reach those same frontiers and is open to a serious and reflective dialogue. We plan to develop both our private and public works as a network. We have set up a work seminar about religion in the public sphere with the FundaciónEncuentro, and a series of workshops in collaboration with the Master de Comunicación, Cultura y CiudadaníaDigitales at MediaLab Prado about the presence of religion in the digital culture. Experts from universities, NGOs, and different areas of our society take part in these seminars and workshops, and from their shared reflection and dialogue, we seek to contribute to the public discussion through serious opinions about the main issues of our time.
We launched our website in January 2015, and the main means of expression is through our blog. It is nourished by over 20 authors from a variety of backgrounds and fields who offer their opinions and shed light onto everyday life events from differing perspectives. Furthermore, our presence in social media (Facebook, Twitter and Youtube) is crucial nowadays, allowing presence in the digital world and as part of knitting together those networks. We offer our work and presence to as many people as possible, seeking to reach beyond all physical borders.
We understand ourselves as part of a mission-oriented body, and therefore we know networking is essential to our work, but we also know that we establish networks for the sake of our mission to serve the Church and the world, and in search of the universality to which we are called to contribute to the common good. We are a very young project but we dream big, and in our dreams we reach for new frontiers, never alone, always with others, to build bridges and sow the seeds of a more inclusive, fair and caring world.