The three education networks of the Conference of Provincials in Latin America and the Caribbean (CPAL): The Latin American Federation of Schools of the Society of Jesus (FLACSI), Fe y Alegría and AUSJAL, gathered together in a wider alliance called EduRed. They are pleased to present the book “The Society of Jesus and the Universal Right to a Quality Education” (DUEC). Together, the three networks have agreed to undertake a campaign aimed at staff training, awareness-raising among their educational communities and public advocacy, in defense of this right for all, without distinction of race, culture, nationality or social condition.
The launch ceremony was held during the Encounter of the extended team of the CPAL, on March 27th in Panama, with the participation of: Fr. Luiz Fernando Klein, S.J., delegate of Education of the CPAL; Fr. Roberto Jaramillo, S.J., president of the CPAL; Fr. Saúl Cuautle, S.J., president of FLACSI; Fr. Carlos Fritzen, S.J, coordinator of the International Federation of Fe y Alegría; Fr. Ernesto Cavassa, S.J., president of AUSJAL; and the moderation of Juan Felipe Carillo, executive secretary of FLACSI.
“Only a progressive and organic education can
transform the existence of the poor and the marginalized”, quoted the
President of the CPAL when evaluating the contributions of Fr. Pedro Arrupe,
S.J. to the Society of Jesus. “It is not enough for us to offer good education
in our institutions, it is necessary to collaborate so that it is the best
possible, adapted to the realities of our students,” he added.
The President of
AUSJAL said that this initiative is a challenge inside and outside the
Association, said that the first task is to raise awareness among the members
of the university community about the work of EduRed and do everything possible
so that society as a whole understands that a quality education is important
for integral development. He pointed out that from AUSJAL this campaign has
three perspectives: “360 holistic education, so that our graduates can
represent the 4 C’s (compassionate, conscientious, competent and committed);
opening ourselves to a universal citizenship, forming global citizens concerned
about what happens around them; creativity and innovation, to think about how
to transform our world for the well-being of all people.”
Meanwhile, the
Coordinator of the International Federation of Fe y Alegría assured that the
launch of the book can be interpreted as a new regional pact that will have a
global impact.
The President of
FLACSI stressed that with the DUEC campaign, they will internally go through a
follow-up process, which will also help to clarify the Federation’s own
identity and boost networking to generate a platform that will allow them to
respond to the needs of the societies where they are present.
Finally, the Education
Delegate of the CPAL, stressed that the book is the result of a collaborative
work that takes into consideration the tradition of the Society of Jesus in
relation to its efforts to provide education to those most in need. “The book
tries to find conceptual precision, it enlightens us on how we understand
education, the quality of education (…) the text shows the horizon of our
work: the promotion of justice, networking and guidelines for personal and
group appropriation,” he shared. “The Society of Jesus and the Universal
Right to a Quality Education” reviews the speeches that Father General
Arturo Sosa, SJ, has addressed to these three networks, accompanied by a
collection of the most important texts of the Magisterium of the Society of
Jesus (General Congregations, Father Generals, statutes of the networks,
letters from education delegates, among others) about the right to quality
We invite you to use and share this material with other people and institutions with which we can collaborate inside and outside the Society and the Church.
Source: AUSJAL