EduRed, the consortium of the three educational networks of the Conference of Jesuit Provincials of Latin America and the Caribbean (CPAL): AUSJAL, FLACSI and Fe y Alegría; held its regular meeting in Mexico City (Mexico) last January.
After a personal presentation and an update on the current status of each educational network, the group discussed an extensive agenda that had two main parts: the first was to consider and define the projects that EduRed will try to develop.
Among the most important are: 1) Ways to contribute to the updating of the Universal Right to Quality Education, 2) Work on the meaning, focus and scope of pedagogical innovations in Jesuit educational centers, 3) Contribution to reflection on the service of faith in the Jesuit educational apostolate, among other topics and tasks that arose in connection with the educational continuum of FyA and FLACSI students in AUSJAL, and on the pedagogical preparation of Jesuits of the new generations.
The second part of the meeting was devoted to suggesting measures to provide EduRed with a minimum structure to effectively carry out its projects. It was then decided to hire an executive secretary for EduRed, to entrust the coordination of the consortium to the Delegate of Education of CPAL and the creation of a consultative council (to be defined), keeping the “core group” responsible formed by the Delegate and the three Jesuits who are the heads of the networks that make up EduRed.
They were two intense days of work, of listening, of spiritual conversation and of celebration in which the Lord confirmed in us the desire to follow Him and serve Him, giving us in network (in-networking) together with all the initiatives of the networks of CPAL and of other ecclesial and civil instances.
Original article in spanish at