SIPEI is the International Seminar on Ignatian Pedagogy and Spirituality, organized by the Secretariat of Education of the Society of Jesus, in continuity with the international Colloquium (ICJSE) held in Boston in the summer of 2012. SIPEI gathers seventy experts from all continents and celebrates in the Cova of Saint Ignatius, Manresa (near Barcelona, Spain) in order to find new points of collaboration between Ignatian spirituality and Ignatian pedagogy.
To prepare for SIPEI 2014 and to allow the participation of all those who cannot be physically in Manresa, SIPEI Virtual is being prepared, which will focus on the website.
Of what will the SIPEI virtual edition consist? There will be two phases, the first before the face-to-face gathering and the second which will be held during the seminar. In the first phase, the virtual SIPEI will revolved around four papers that will lead to four discussions.
[pullquote align=”left or right”]SIPEI will be a space to share our thoughts and interests with others around the world engaged in education and Ignatian Spirituality[/pullquote]Between March and June, registered users will have access to four papers by George Nedumattam (India), Peter McVerry (Ireland), Montserrat del Pozo (Spain) and Joseph Carver (USA) which will help with the development of four axes: interiority (becoming a person of conscience), social justice (becoming a person of compassion), learning (becoming a person of competence), and action (becoming a person of commitment). Each of the papers (available in English and Spanish) are designed to start a virtual debate/discussion* so that everyone can contribute. All related materials (presentations, documents, audiovisual material) will be available at
SIPEI virtual members can also form part of the face of SIPEI, by following the presentations that will be broadcast via streaming on the web and participating in social networks. All are invited to join SIPEI by clicking the REGISTER button on the website and on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and YouTube.
How can we meet the challenges we encounter daily in our classrooms? What are the challenges posed by our methodologies, by our personal growth, the need for innovation, pedagogical orientation, and work ? We propose that the virtual SIPEI will be a space to share our thoughts and interests with others around the world engaged in education and Ignatian Spirituality.
This post has been writen by SIPEI’s staff. Photo from Original in Spanish, translated for the Jesuit Networking Project by Becky Chabot.