Interconnectedness is the new context to understand the world and to discern our mission.
Welcome to the Jesuit Network library! Here you can download the latest set of papers on the topics of networking and collaboration as they relate to the Society of Jesus. If you are aware of a document or research paper that is not on our list, please don’t hesitate to send it to us!
Final Document: 1st International Conference on Jesuit Networking
Boston College, 2012
“International Networking in the Society of Jesus: Challenges from a Universal Mission.”
Final Document: 2nd International Conference on Jesuit Networking
Georgetown University, 2018
"Prophetic Networks for a Universal Mission"
1Conferencia de Provinciales en América Latina-CPAL. Collaboration in the heart of mission: Collaboration 'with' and 'for'... March 2016
These lines seek to clarify the meaning and modes of collaboration, in the construction of a better world for all. They are the fruit of the shared reflection of a group of lay people and Jesuits in the Meetings of the Collaboration Sector of the Conference of Latin American Provincials - CPAL.
2Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat. Networking for Justice November 2015
This document is the final declaration of the "Networking for Justice" Conference which was organized in Loyola, Spain. The conference brought together the global Jesuit networks dedicated to the social apostolate to evaluate how networking has favored the Jesuits' mission in the struggle for justice.
3Villanueva, D. Jesuit Networks and Mission. Article for Sal Terrae - February 2015
This article analyzes apostolic networks not only as operational structures but as opportunities to channel a new culture of collaboration and collective action that enable us to grow and reach greater achievements toward our shared mission.
4Villanueva, D. International Networking in the Society of Jesus. Article for the 2014 Jesuit Yearbook - January 2014
5Cela, J. Always Looking to the Mission. Article in CPAL Magazine - September 2013
6Lowney, C. The Jesuit Network Potential. Talk at the World Union of Jesuit Alumni Meeting - August 2013
7Social Coordinators of the Conferences. Networking in order to respond better to our mission. Networks of the social apostolate in the Society of Jesus. May 2013
8Villanueva, D. Previous on Jesuit Networking. April 2012
This paper proposes a retrospective analysis of official Jesuit documents paying attention to these developments of the Jesuit mission and structures, as the best way to provide a contextualization to understand what the Society of Jesus means when it refers to networking and why it is seen today as a desirable style of working apostolically.
9Brennan, F. On Collaboration. April 2012
An interpretation and a raincheck on GC 35’s Call to develop International and Interprovincial Collaboration.
10Halgin, D. Social Networks Theory. April 2012
This paper seeks to clarify the concept of social network, to begin to identify the characteristic elements of social network theorizing, and to explain the mechanisms used in network theory so as to facilitate the generation of new theory and clarify best practices.
11Arancibia, L. Current State of Jesuit Networking. April 2012
Here you have the first attempt of systematization of current Jesuit Networks at the international level. In this paper, based on one of the first surveys on this regard, the author proposes models of Jesuit Networks after reviewing most of the existing ones.
12Magadía, J. Mission and International Networking. April 2012
Very interesting and comprehensive overview of the advantages and risks of networking and cooperative engagements within the Jesuit apostolic body.
13Keenan, J. On Jesuit International Networking. April 2012
Creative notes of the talk on twelve topics of Jesuit Spirituality that emerge from 4 stories of Jesuit Networking.
14Endean, P. Ignatian Antecedents on Networking. April 2012
The author explains how the Society of Jesus may fairly be defined as a network with religious ends and how Fr. Nicolas’ vision of networking reveals a continuity of purpose with Ignatian sources, both in what it encourages and in what it avoids.
15Lowney, C. On Jesuit Networking. April 2012
Brief paper with a lot of ideas on concrete possibilities for ways around a shared sense of mission among Jesuits, lay colleagues, and students, graduates, parishioners, and others in hundreds of institutions.
16Kane, G. Social Media and Church. April 2012
Social media has the potential for greater impact within the church and other non-profit organizations because social media technologies provide greater power for individuals to communicate and organize.
17Cela, J. How to Network Without Getting Diluted in the Attempt. April 2012
Interesting paper on the specific features of networking within the Society of Jesus, especially tensions between obedience and participation, with a focus on the International Federation of Fe y Alegría as a model for jesuit networking.
18Reagan, T. On Governance. April 2012
Paper considering the relationship of Jesuit governance and international networking, especially on three dimensions: How networks can be integrated in the classical structures of the Society of Jesus? How international structures fit in our way of governing? How can these new structures help us toward more internal sharing of our resources and capacities?
19Orobator, A. The Man in Google Glasses. April 2012