June 25, 2019

Global Compacts and JCAP Migration Network

In a time of increased globalisation, it is a sign of the times to live with the “stranger”. How do […]
March 25, 2019

Jesuits Report on Cyclone Idai

“Tragedy is a tool for the living to gain wisdom, not a guide by which to live.” These words from […]
January 30, 2019

JAMIA: Discernment, collaboration and action

How do Muslims see us? The silence around the table that greeted the question was deep against the backdrop of […]
January 15, 2019

New Book on Ignatian Pedagogy

In line with the 25th anniversary of the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm (IPP), the Ateneo de Manila University Press, in collaboration […]
January 10, 2019

Enhancing collaboration and action in disaster risk reduction and management: The JCAP coordination protocol

by Pedro Walpole The Jesuit Conference Asia Pacific (JCAP) is developing a coordination protocol that outlines steps for Jesuits within […]
November 21, 2015

Final Document Release

The group of people gathered together in Loyola at "Networking for Justice" wanted to include the principal lessons learned over these past few days in a document that can serve as a testimony of what we have shared this week and to generate motivation among other groups and organizations that want to continue this reflection.
November 20, 2015

Daily Recap: Global Networks evaluate their work over the past year

During these days, we have not only been evaluating, planning and working. The mutual trust and listening we have experienced while here in Loyola is the result of the belief that having a shared mission is an essential ingredient
November 19, 2015

Governance of Natural and Mineral Resources

The network for governance of natural and mineral resources takes up the call to hope when working in contexts of extraction which are often ruled by conflict, deprivation and desolation. We experience that broken world at first-hand because of an “economy that kills”
November 18, 2015

Daily Recap: Sharing our Networking Best Practices

As we close the third day of “Networking for Justice”, we will devote this post to sharing some of the best practices identified by each of our networks. There were many initiatives that were presented and much knowledge has been shared throughout the day.
November 18, 2015

Daily Recap: Lessons Learned about Networking

The first day of the Networking for Justice gathering has come to an end. The sensation that something important is happening here in Loyola is palpable. A brief but thoughtful presentation on the global context by Patxi Alvarez SJ along with a delightful tour of the home of St. Ignatius of Loyola
November 17, 2015

The Jesuit Way of Networking

Networking is a buzzword. Just like innovation, creativity, ‘corporate DNA’, empowerment, and unfortunately leadership. The problem with buzzwords, especially those that rely on badly constructed metaphors, as is the case of ‘corporate DNA’, is that everyone literally has an opinion on them.
November 16, 2015

Welcome to Networking for Justice! Loyola, November 2015

From November 17th through the 20th, 60 people from all continents, Jesuits and laypeople who collaborate in networks for social and environmental justice at the international level will gather in Loyola.