January 25, 2016

Video: Networking for Justice Insights

In November 2015, the Networking for Justice gathering brought together the main global justice networks of the Social Apostolate of the Society of Jesus in Loyola, Spain to evaluate and promote networking as an important tool in the struggle for justice.
November 17, 2015

How Ignatian Spirituality Transforms Networking

Ignatian Spirituality can serve as a guide for networking by providing us with some features that should be followed in our attempt to build and work within our Networks. We are called to participate in a movement for the redemption of the world in its totality
November 17, 2015

What are the main Jesuit Networks of the social apostolate?

General Congregation 34 (1995) stressed the need for networking within the Society in a very meaningful text: To exploit more fully the possibilities given us by being an international body
November 16, 2015

Arrupe, Network Weaver

November 14th is a key date in the Society of Jesus. Today, Pedro Arrupe would have turned 108 years old, and we also celebrate the anniversary of the launch of one of his best intuitions. Today, the Jesuit Refugee Service, celebrates its 35th anniversary.
October 13, 2015

Can education be adapted to new global realities?

A network of Jesuit teachers in Catalonia, Spain, along with parents and students believe so, and this is why they have started […]
September 14, 2015

Networking – Evolution within the Church

It is common in the application of the modern sciences to the events of the world around us to speak […]
August 24, 2015

Educate Magis: Inspiring global connections among Jesuit Educators

Over the past few years the ambition and desire by many to work as a “universal body with a universal […]
August 17, 2015

Contemplative Leaders in Action

As a product of more than 10 years of Jesuit education, I often found myself searching for ways to bring […]
August 10, 2015

The Jesuit Post — A ‘Jesuit’ ‘Net’ ‘Work’

The Jesuit Post (TJP) recently celebrated our three year anniversary. As a writer and associate editor for TJP I’m excited […]
August 3, 2015

Systems—or Networks and Sectors

They say that one of the characteristics of modernity is pluralism. Even an individual subject can have many identities, many […]
July 7, 2015

Expanding Jesuit Higher Ed Network

This week is an important one for the Jesuit Higher Education Network. Within the next few days will be 4 consecutive […]
April 28, 2015

entreParéntesis: Dialogue at the Frontiers

Our motto at entreParéntesis is “Dialogue at the frontiers” and our aim is to create a space to meet and dialogue […]