Education has transformative power and brings us hope, it invites participation and transformation. CPAL joins the call of Pope Francis in signing the Global Compact on Education.
The Global Compact on Education (GCE) is an initiative that was born in September, 2019 and responds to the concern about the future of this planet. The GCE was officially launched last October 15th and the Pope Francis made an unprecedented call to sign this commitment, which we from CPAL (Conference of Jesuit Provincials of Latin America and the Caribbean) assume with heart, courage and as inspiration to continue working in one of our apostolic and missionary horizons: the Universal Right to Quality Education (DUEC).
The Pope recognizes in education the path to reverse the current crisis and promote change. It has transformative power and brings us hope; it invites participation and transformation. It is one of the most effective ways to humanize the world and history, and the natural antidote to individualistic culture. It is about love and responsibility transmitted between generations.
The invitation is wide and goes beyond the borders of the Catholic or Christian world, addressing all humanity: “We call on men and women of culture, science and sport, artists, media operators, in all parts of the world, so that they too may sign this covenant and, through their witness and their work, become promoters of the values of care, peace, justice, goodness, beauty, welcoming others and brotherhood”.
For this reason, the CPAL, through our communities, works and apostolic presences we adhere to this fundamental idea and sign the Global Compact on Education committing ourselves to collaborate with our talents and energies in the construction and promotion of a new cultural and development model. This gesture of adhesion will be only the beginning of a whole road to travel as part of the challenge we assume to cultivate together this dream of a humanism of solidarity.
How to join in?
We invite each of you to sign your own declaration to join and commit to this call. For this purpose, we have made available to you a document that you can download and print to sign for the Global Compact on Education. Then, you can send your photo with the signed commitment to [email protected], which will later be shared in CPAL’s social media. If you prefer, you can also write your own commitment and send it to the same e-mail address.