Do you realize that Jesuit Networking has been online for 6 months already? In January when we started with our three lines of work: communicate, research and collaborate. After half a year, we can consider that all of our communication platform, channels and content production procedures are up and running. During the last two months we’ve been working on the structures and coordination from the research dimension. Collaboration, is still in the initial stages; it will be our focus for 2015 with the design and development of a digital Jesuit Hub.
So, the project is moving along smoothly, each day gaining a broader reach as far as the different active Jesuit networks know who we are. Your response has been amazing. As of July 2014, there are almost 5000 people involved in our different channels. Most of you are following us through social media, or e-mail, but we currently have 164 active volunteers divided into our 7 workgroups, developing the content, translations, design, research, and ideas… they are those who actually do the real work. Volunteers, from all around the world, Jesuits and lay people, we are all part of the team behind this initiative.
The web content that you read is only part of the real work, mostly running behind the scenes. We’re preparing an open campaign on innovation for collaboration, a global calendar for international events, a communication kit for new Jesuit networks, a first publication of writings, and a second conference on Jesuit Networking. So, we have plenty of ideas and a lot of work ahead of us, don’t hesitate to join and let us know your thoughts and contributions.
I can’t finish this post without acknowledging the work and dedication of some of the volunteers who are taking responsibility of leading and animating some of the groups. These are Kevin Ahern, Tina Facca and Fernando Vidal (Research), Javi Montes SJ, Elek Lazslo SJ and Tony Homsy SJ (Content), Arsenio Soto, Juan Miguel Sevilla and Nubar Hamparzoumian SJ (Design), Marina Pastrana (Network Weavers), Ana Ramos and Carolyn Ryan (Innovation Campaign), Wojciech Moransky SJ (Webmaster), and Erika Meyer and Dani Villanueva SJ (General Coordination).
There are also some institutions involved in the project as the Jesuit province of Spain, the Boston College School of Social Work, the Boston College Jesuit Institute, The Jesuit Conference of Provincials of Latin America, The World Network of Christian Life Communities, the World Union of Jesuit Alumni, Jesuit Social Services Australia, and Entreculturas – Fe y Alegría that holds the coordination of the project under the umbrella of the Secretariat of Collaboration of the Roman Curia. Other institutions helping the project are John Carroll University (USA), Loyola Andalucía (Spain), Comillas University (Spain), Boston College (USA), Ignatian Solidarity Network, Eco-Jesuit and Educate Magis.
On behalf of all our team, thanks for your support,
PS1. Sure we are just a small part of the amount of network weavers of the Jesuit Network around the globe. We keep dreaming that we, somehow, could keep building a common space to reflect, improve and propose future platforms for collaboration on the common mission. If you want to be part of this movement, please sign up to stay tune or even better, join one of our working groups and commit with us so we can plan our common work counting on your contribution.
PS2. If you, or your institution, want to contribute to our project, let us know. If you want to help financially, we always welcome donations to help us move forward with the small but constant expenses of this non-profit endeavor.
Photo from Flickr by Myxi under Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0).