Networking is a phenomenon that has frequently been empowered through social networks and online relationships. Every network has its own characteristics, but no professional, or even personal field, can stay away from this new kind of interaction. However, not all projects that are initiated come to be successful. Here, we highlight some of the key factors to take into account when networking:
1) Building a network of people engaged around a specific topic. The added value will arise from people who are willing to mutually collaborate and commit, for the common good, through networking. As the first main characteristic of networking is the importance of creating encounter, and from there, taking care of and cultivating relationships. These people generate the network and from their own profile give and take in a more horizontal structure with greater exchange among them, making the project their own. The network generated is in itself already a networking process and leads to greater personal and professional enhancement.
Social network are not only about sharing publications, thoughts or elements but also about establishing strong communication. The key is not related to the number of followers but how strong the connections are and the positive and proactive interaction among them. Somehow, these networks are not quantitative but qualitative. They identify and clarify relationships, placing them in the same direction.
Networks also allow us to gain visibility. Whoever wants to do networking or take part in a collaborative project must put forth their qualities so they become visible and attractive to the group, strengthening the direct action and interaction with others in order to build strong bonds through which they are able to contribute to the rest of the group.
2) Setting the goal. In this network of relationships, through the dialogue and interaction that usually evolves in the digital world, certain common goals usually come to the surface. The next step is then, being able to make present and visible the goal that moves the members of the network. We must be willing to learn about other projects in the same field, how they work, and what we can take away from them. Maybe it is a good idea to join one of them so they can become part of the dynamic. The willingness to listen also becomes a task of great importance. If we are speaking of networking, we are talking about listening skills and attention to your partners.
3) Setting clear tasks. Each person has a fundamental role in the project, recognized and acknowledged by the rest of the team, which makes them somehow indispensable. As relationships grow stronger, the network becomes stronger.
4) Strengthening communication channels. Far from information management, which itself involves fluid movement, it is important to sew personal commitment which at the same time empowers the common project. This refers to the capacity of every member of the team, in a horizontal manner, to exchange essential elements that feed networking. Communication is more than information. It involves the exchange of strategies, common lessons learned and shared intelligence. In this type of projects, which involve a lot of online work, it is also crucial to encourage meetings and common reflections. There are several online platforms that facilitate this kind of encounters.
5) Carry out periodic evaluations. As with any common project, collaborative evaluation is required, which helps ensure that the people and tools involved remain useful. Through evaluation, new needs can be identified, positions clarified, goals better defined, and sometimes, most importantly, a shared reflection on the steps taken, including successes and mistakes.
Post by José Fernando Juan Santos, original article in Spanish available at Entreparentesis.
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