agosto 31, 2015

Boston College Jesuit Bibliography: The New Sommervogel Project

For the past two years, I have been an assistant editor for an innovative digital humanities project entitled Boston College […]
julio 13, 2015

Jesuits and Multinationals

Many researchers have dedicated their time to the study of religion as a transnational force in global politics, but not […]
junio 1, 2015

Is the Pope a maverick leader?

Most people would not expect the Catholic Church to have maverick leaders in its midst and certainly not at the […]
febrero 2, 2015

21st Century Skills

In this article, Fernando Vidal tells us something about the media skills we need for today’s world. Our research has […]
septiembre 7, 2014

"The Jesuit Way of Networking"

Networking is a buzzword. Just like innovation, creativity, ‘corporate DNA’, empowerment, and unfortunately leadership. The problem with buzzwords, especially those […]
julio 27, 2014

Jesuits and organizational excellence

Today, most managers or leaders know this: an organization or a company is a complex thing. Having a nicely engineered […]
abril 21, 2014

Re-discovering Universality

One of the most positive aspects of globalization is that it has, in fact, made communication and cooperation possible with […]
marzo 31, 2014

Value Added of Jesuit Networks

Networking provides added values that can be achieved by other means only with difficulty. Previously in this blog we’ve focused […]
marzo 10, 2014

From Survey on Networking & Collaboration

In a previous post we launched a preliminary survey with the help of the Boler School of Business at John […]
febrero 17, 2014

Collective Impact to address complexity

One of the key factors that invite us to think about networks as new structures for the mission is the […]
diciembre 2, 2013

Survey on Networking and Collaboration

A research group from the Boler School of Business at John Carroll University is launching a preliminary survey in order […]
noviembre 24, 2013

Ideas on Non Profit Effective Collaboration

Since 2008 the ESADE Institute for Social Innovation in Spain and the PwC Foundation decided to start up the the […]