Last May 2017, the new president of the Latin American Conference of Provincials made public some new changes in the structures of the Conference that we think are of interest to those of you following the evolution of the network dynamics in the Jesuit world. Roberto Jaramillo expressed how their intention was not to «correct errors» but «to adapt the way of working and the way of proceeding to new times and new demands.»
After two years of reflection by the CPAL Executive Team and multiple discussions with different levels of participation there is a very positive evaluation of previous structures but there is a need to evolve from the logic of «one delegate per apostolic sector» towards a dynamic of three delegates for the mission entrusted to animate the sectoral work together with the different network coordinators.
Following the highlights of GC36 the main objective of this change is (a) to strengthen the work in networks, (b) to stimulate collaboration and (c) to promote clearer apostolic discernment and planning. The idea is to support the network coordinators, to animate their plans and efforts, to «provoke» their relationships, to collaborate among them, and to promote their networking dynamics. One of the delegates for the mission will be in charge of the administration and financial resources and the other two will animate the sectoral work through the networks.
One of the main results of this change is the growing relevance of third level structures (federations, associations, common projects or networks) and a wider and more integrated knowledge of the apostolic reality. The intention is to overcome sectoral divisions by promoting a transversal approach to apostolic actions and enhance the dimension of discernment and planning. Through this new structure, the delegates will not be coordinating networks or actions but will be working full time on behalf of the president dedicated to animation and articulation.
We will closely follow the evolution of this new model of structuring the conference work as one possible model that structures the apostolic work in networks with their own space of action without losing the wider dimension of jesuit governance for the common mission. Here you have the link to the original communication from the CPAL website.